List: List functors [total 32]:
Functors, expecting/returning lists.
Stream: Stream functors [total 6]:
Input/output functors and stream operations.
String: String functors [total 31]:
Functors, expecting/returning string values.
Constructor: Constructor functors [total 9]:
Functors, constructing instances of structured types.
Pattern: Pattern functors [total 9]:
Functors, expecting/returning patterns.
Meta: Meta-operations [total 2]:
Implicit meta-operations (expecting terms as operands).
Coercion: Coercion functors [total 4]:
Scalar coercion unary functors.
Debug: Debugging functors [total 3]:
Functors for debugging/tracing.
Iterator: Iterator functors [total 10]:
Functors, evaluating some argument(s) iteratively.
Decoder: Decoding functors [total 5]:
Functors, converting strings to numeric values.
Nullary: Nullary functors [total 6]:
Functors, expecting no arguments.
Numeric: Numeric functors [total 57]:
Functors, expecting/returning numeric values.
Scalar: Scalar functors [total 67]:
Functors, expecting/returning scalar values.
Object: Object/class functors [total 9]:
Functors, expecting/returning classes and/or class instances.
Eval: Evaluators [total 6]:
Functors for specific argument(s) evaluation.
Compare: Comparator functors [total 14]:
Functors, performing ordered compare and returning sign.
System: System operations [total 1]:
Miscellaneous system functors.
Array: Array functors [total 11]:
Functors, expecting/returning arrays.
Wrapper: Wrapper functors [total 2]:
Functors, evaluating some argument(s) with additional prologue/epilogue.
Mutable: Mutable functors [total 7]:
Functors, returning mutable result.
Hash: Hash functors [total 12]:
Functors, expecting/returning hashes.
Unary: Unary functors [total 44]:
Functors, expecting one argument.
Term: Term functors [total 2]:
Functors, expecting/returning terms.
Encoder: Encoding functors [total 3]:
Functors, converting numeric values to strings.
Func: Functional functors [total 11]:
Functors, expecting functors as operand(s).
Binary: Binary functors [total 35]:
Functors, expecting two arguments.
Conditional: Conditional functors [total 11]:
Functors, evaluating some argument(s) on specified condition.
Ternary: Ternary functors [total 4]:
Functors, expecting three arguments.
Mutator: [total 13]:
Functors, changing value(s) of operands.
Predicate: Predicate functors [total 22]:
Functors, returning boolean values.
(Total 30 categories.)